Rejected Frelloo's Character App - Bello

This application has been rejected. Please read the last comment which will contain the information regarding the reason(s) for rejection.
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New member
Minecraft Username

Discord Name and Identifier

Have you played any previous iteration(s) of Patriam?

Please select (if any) the Patriam documents which you have read
General Policies, War Policies, Infraction Guidelines, Staff Handbook

Do you have a previously approved character application?

Name of Character?

What is your character's age?

What is the chosen House of your Character?

What religion is your character?

Does your character have any relations to other existing characters?

Does your character hold any roleplay titles, ranks, jobs, etc. ingame?

Please list the titles, ranks, jobs, etc. separated by a comma
Senate of The Greater Empire Of Xel'Naga

I agree to create a reasonable backstory for my character within the policies of Patriam.

Provide your character's backstory
My character was a lowly serf indebted to the owners of the land I worked on.
Born as a lower class, I wasn't able to get a proper education. Ran away from the family home at age 8. Started living on the meals left on the sides of roads or pickpocketing for some change for food.
One day, I decided to rob from what would be my future landlord's house in broad daylight. Sneaking into a mansion was difficult to say the least. I had to climb over a 15-foot fence in order to get into the property. I narrowly avoided detection by hiding in the bushes or behind some trees. I was finally able to get into the residence by going through an open window. I was amazed by the luxuriousness and elegance of the room I entered. Paintings, sculptures, displays of the finest relics in the world. It took me minutes to realize what I came here for.
I traversed the hallways with a bit of carelessness. In hindsight it was my downfall, this careless action led me to endure years of serfdom, narrowly avoiding disease and infection. The hallways were laced with the finest of tapestries. The finest jewels in the world at the time. I went into various rooms. Each of them more beautiful than the last. Until I reached a room filled with walls of bookshelves, all facing a circular table. Each of them containing knowledge of the world. Mathematics, Science, Geography, History, Combat. And then I saw it. A newspaper article upon the table which said; "New Continent Discovered! Land of Untapped Wealth And Potential!" I stared at it, unable to understand what it meant. But it was pulling me towards it. I started flipping the pages one by one, trying to discern what it all meant. The word "Money" was present in almost every sentence. Though I had a limited understanding of what these letters on the newspaper meant, I understood that it was my way out of poverty.
Just as I was finishing reading the article, a servant of my future landlord caught me trespassing. It was at this moment that my whole life would change. Everything started crumbling. I didn't know what punishment I'd dealt, it was a truly mortifying experience. Even with the fear of potential death, the place on the article never left me.
Being a serf isn't easy. these weren't times when human rights was truly established as a concept. You were essentially your landlord's property, and it wasn't illegal to abuse a serf. 12 hours of working on the fields everyday, and hardly getting enough nutrition was common. Disease was prevalent at the time. Disease killed 1/3 of all serfs. If you didn't die to Disease then you were bound to get deployed onto the battlefields to fight on your landlords behalf. How I was able to survive, I still have no clue.
One day on the second year of my serfdom, my landlord gathered everyone to a spot in the fields. This wasn't uncommon, seeing as one of us gets drafted every other week by the same process of random choice, so I wasn't too stoked to be here. I assured myself that I wouldn't be the one to get picked, there's around 50 of us, what are the chances?
"You, come here". My heart stopped immediately. I was picked. So many thoughts were racing in my head. The most prevalent was the question; "I am about to die?". My landlord dragged me to the side and said: "I'll be travelling to a new continent far east. You'll be coming with me as a serf". Was this the continent in the article from all those years ago? I was ecstatic. I was finally going to have a chance of escaping poverty! Then it hit me. I'll be going as a serf, not a free man. The only choice I had was to escape from the landlords thralls. I had to escape when we landed on the new continent.
We soon approached the new continent, my landlord and his crew were perhaps too focused on the new continent. Too fixated on it to even realized that we had docked. They stood there, amazed and charmed by it's beauty.
I took my opportunity. I darted straight off of the ship. I ran across crates and crates of cargo, and booting it to the nearest forest. I was able to avoid being seen. I was now free, for the meantime to do whatever I wanted.
I ran for what seemed like an eternity. Seconds blurred into minutes, minutes into hours. The will to escape for the bonds of slavery fueled me on. After the sun set and the moon rose, I felt like I had finally broken the bonds of captivity, and into freedom and liberty.
Months passed by, possibly even years. I had been foraging on the local berries, fungi and whatever half-eaten corpses there were. On one otherwise peaceful night, I heard a sound coming from the trees. I knew instantly that these noises weren't made by just any creature, but a person. The sound of hard leather pressing on the grass floor, a dim light coming from the foliage. The thing I dreaded most was about to happen. Captivity. I ran with stealth and determination, driven by the will to not to be a lowly serf, not to be just some expendable tool for someone. These were my home grounds. I've lived here for the past months and years, I had vast knowledge of the surrounding area. I knew if it came down to a long chase, I'd be able to escape. With adrenaline rushing through me I ducked and weaved through the foliage, but somehow the footsteps were getting louder, the lights got brighter, and started multiplying. I realized that this wasn't just a sole person hunting me down, it was a group. I knew I wouldn't be able to escape this. No matter how fast I ran, or how smartly I tried to navigated the area, there was no escape. Only a divine being would be able to save me now.
Salvation. Such a beautiful word. The literal meaning would be; "preservation or deliverance from harm, ruin, or loss." A word beloved by so many, sought after by so many. I never could've hoped to witness, let alone be the recipient of such a divine term. These people, they weren't hunting for free labour, they weren't some slavers. These people were saints in human form. These people were just some people who wanted to recruit people to their cause, a cause to better the world, to rid the world of nepotism and corruption.
These people I encountered were called Phantom and Dymic. Phantom was an enigmatic figure with an ambitious vision for a new nation. Phantom sought to create a society that respected individuals based on talent and skills rather than their social standing. Dymic was a person who got recruited by Phantom. Dymic was a talented architect. Blessed by the teachings of his mentor, Eldran Stonewall, Dymic learned the secrets of how to blend practicality with artistic expression.
Listening to their stories, I realized my own purpose. Years ago before I reached this new continent, I read about it on a newspaper article. The word "Money" resonated with me so deeply that I was entranced by it. I had lost track of where I was, which lead me to captivity. I realized that I was someone who was entranced, captivated and charmed by money. I decided that I would join the duo in their mission, to create a nation with no corruption, no nepotism, a nation based solely on talent and skills as their financial advisor.

I swear that all answers are unplagiarized and agree to follow the rules above regarding my submission. Yes


While I appreciate the effort that went into this application, it bears no relevance to anything to do with Patriam. The time period most closely associated with the server is a sort of early-Medieval period, long before the invention of the Printing Press and later newspapers.
Additionally, there is no knowledge of any continents outside of Argonia. Those who have attempted to venture into the endless seas beyond Argonia are never seen again.
Additionally, your applications makes no mention of House Kaegorin and barely makes mention of Xel'Naga.

I would strongly recommend taking some time to look over other accepted character applications before making a new one. If you would like some help with writing your application then please don't hesitate to reach out on the discord.
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